June 19

Root Canal 🦷


What I’m Reading:

I’m reading Deep Work by Cal Newport.

Laura and I are embarking on a new work cycle.

One of the things that I’m looking to achieve the rest of the year would be to get more deep work every day. 

So I can work less and yet, get more done for the rest of this year.

Hence, I’m reading this gem of a book written by a computer science professor who has achieved far more than their peers in his age bracket.

He has an intriguing approach to killing distractions and maximizing productivity.

You should check this book out if you’re attempting all sorts of productivity systems (Eat that Frog or Getting Things Done) but not getting results.

His Deep Work paradigm will blow your mind.

What I’m Watching:  

I was watching the NBA Finals of Denver Nuggets vs Miami Heat.

It was a close fight, but it felt like the Heat was losing steam towards the end of the game.

In fact, I’d go as far as to say that the result was predictable from the get-go.


Because the Heat lost momentum after losing two consecutive games in Game 3 and Game 4.

And it’s extremely hard for them to get back in the groove.

Therein lies a lesson for entrepreneurs here.

If you have momentum, DON’T lose it, no matter what.

Momentum is like Gravity or Magnetic force – when it favors you, it’ll bring you closer to where you wanna go in half the effort and time. 

So whenever you feel that the trend or tide is with you, double down, and you’ll win.

What I’m Thinking:

So I did something crazy last week.

I went for a 3-hour training session after a root canal dental surgery.

It was an excruciating experience.

I left my decayed tooth for too long, and it was too late when it started to hurt. 

The damage was already done, and a normal tooth extraction would not suffice.

Instead, I had to go for the dreaded root canal surgery.

I could have resolved this issue for $100-$200 if I was early – however, I let the problem run, which eventually became a $1,200 procedure. 

The lesson here?

You’re in Control of Your Rock Bottom.

Everyone fails – however, the difference is huge when you fall onto the floor or into the pit.

In my example, I could have resolved my dental issue at a much cheaper and less painful procedure earlier, but I didn’t.

The price?

A procedure that’s 8-10X more costlier and FAR more painful than an ordinary extraction.

This is a valuable experience for me.

It’s an important reminder to face my problems upfront and not let them persist.

You never know when they’d brew into something big, no matter how small they are. 

Now, if you’re suffering from invisibility syndrome where you’re constantly getting ignored by your market – you need to do something about it.

You need to start taking action and work towards building a social media presence.

Because the more you procrastinate, the more you will lose a foothold in your industry, and you’ll stop being top of mind in your market. 

As a result, your business will take a backseat, and you’ll fall behind your competitors.

The bad news is that your competition will only keep increasing.

So take action if you want a change – the best time is NOW.

My friend Felix will give you the tools to get a headstart in your content marketing game this week.


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