July 19

WYODC Weekly #63: How to Change the World (Pt. 1)


Hi ,

It’s Zach here!

You may have heard Kenneth sprinkles the words “Nation Transformation“ every now and then in his sharing.

But what does “Nation Transformation” really mean?

In this WYODC edition, I’m gonna share Kenneth’s and Laura’s journey in Nation Transformation with some tips on how you can apply them in your business.

Let’s begin…

Nation Transformation is about leveraging what you are and what you have as an entrepreneur or marketer.

It’s about having a bigger vision and ambition for creating significance. i.e. to transform the nation and create a bigger, wider impact on the human race. 

To clarify, the concept of Nation Transformation is not academic nor political.

Neither is Kenneth trying to preach about running a social enterprise or charity.

So what does Nation Transformation mean to an entrepreneur?

To put it simply… 

Nation Transformation essentially means you can achieve income and impact together without compromising either one of them. 

I.e. We can make an impact on a developing nation by running a purposeful, and at the same time, profitable business. 

We do this by…

Infiltrating the 3% of one or more of the 7 mountains for influencing impact. 

First of all,

The 3% Rule comes from Malcolm Gladwell’s “The Tipping Point” book. 

He said that 3% of the most dominant influencers influence 90% of the outcomes or the trend of the industry.

So, if you get 3% market share in a specific industry, you’re able to transform that industry. 

In other words, if you focus on quality and you reach out to 3% of the most influential people in your industry, you can easily make an impact. 


The 7 Mountains or Spheres of Influence is a framework that came up in 1975 from the Christian community.

This consists of the following influences in culture:

  1. Religion
  2. Family
  3. Education
  4. Government
  5. Media
  6. Arts and entertainment
  7. Business 

As business people, your business will fit in one of these 7 spheres of influence. 

Here are examples of corporations and individuals who created/creating influences on Nation Transformation:A. Corporations1. Unilever

The former Unilever CEO, Paul Polman has a motto which is “Doing Well by Doing good.”

During his era, infant mortality rates were really high. 

And people don’t generally live beyond 30 years old because of hygiene issues.

The whole history of this company is one on nation-transformation where the Lever Brothers created soap — which reduced infant mortality rates and boosted lifespan to 50-60 years old.

At the same time, they transformed nations into embracing healthier living — the catalyst for the change. 

And even today, Paul Polman says in order to increase consumption, you must reduce the poverty rate. 

The minute you get more people into the middle class, they’ll consume your products more.

Paul built Unilever into a mega successful company while transforming the fate of multiple nations.2. Mars Corporation

Bruno Roche who is part of the World Economic Forum and a personal advisor to Macron of France, spearheaded Mars Corporation as Chief Economist.

With the question “How much profit is too much profit?”… 

This sparks an interesting journey for Bruno Roche and Jay Jakub, the two economists, in Mars Corporation.

They created the Economics of Mutuality, which is a system for measuring profit, people and planet. 

They wrote a book called Completing Capitalism.

Their purpose is to redefine capitalism with their socially minded principles.B. Individuals as Entrepreneur1. HM (using acronyms due to confidentiality) – a very successful entrepreneur from a Western country — who has the heart to transform Cambodia.

In Kenneth’s opinion, this is the best example of The 3% Rule. 

Two of the biggest hurdles in transforming Cambodia are 1)corruption and 2)inefficient business practices. 

One day, HM had a thought planted by god…

God gave HM the idea to plant mahogany trees in Myanmar (mahogany is premium timber). 

He calculated if he plants $5 million worth of mahogany, it will result in $1 billion worth of harvest in 20 years. 

HM is not just planting trees to create a legacy. 

But building forests that can generate $1 billion in harvest over 20 years and 5% of Cambodia’s GDP within his lifetime!

That can be transformational for Myanmar. 2. JH – one of the biggest coffee exporters in Asia, but he’s from a Western country. 

Currently, he’s counseling the drug lords in Myanmar on how to transform the poppy fields into coffee fields. 

Imagine when Myanmar starts going into legit crops like coffee…

So many lives and destinies will change. 

This will transform the nation as people will no longer perceive Myanmar as a drug country. 3. DH from Australia – was a former mercenary and now, a super successful business owner.

Starting from nothing as a financial planner, Dave got into the business and started acquiring businesses. 

With his businesses currently worth half a billion dollars, he’s speaking to some of the most influential people in the world.

Dave now works with business owners and entrepreneurs in various countries on

  • Advising them on how they can navigate and how they can grow their companies. 
  • Acquisitions and restructuring companies
  • Structuring their companies – i.e. build companies with good reputation so they can bring in funding and expand overseas. 

4. Opher Brayer – a consultant, coach, and trainer who originated from Israel.

He was part of the team that created Israel’s special education program where they hand-select the top students and actually groom them for business, technology, and all of the highest government positions in Israel.

Over the years, he is known for being a highly effective trainer and his learning methodologies. 

He worked with entrepreneurs to grow their businesses from 20 million to 100 million. 

Two years ago, he trained children with learning disabilities in the Czech Republic with his education strategies

The result was amazing as these children who are behind their peers increased IQ and their learning disabilities had disappeared!

Czech Republic Prime Minister and ministers from different countries have visited this program. 

The Singapore government is also in talks with him to see how they can apply some of his methodologies in their education system. 

Opher won the Tribeca award for education and innovation. 

Alright. This email is already getting a little bit long. 

By now, you should have already gotten an idea of:

  • What exactly is Nation Transformation?
  • What exactly is The 3% Rule shared by Malcom Gladwell.
  • What exactly are the 7 Mountains of Influence?
  • How can corporations and entrepreneurs both play their part in impacting nations?

In the next WYODC Weekly, I’ll share more about how you can apply these Nation Transformation tips to yourself.

I’ll also give you the 4-step process Kenneth is personally using to transform the fate of Zimbabwe, a country that is close to his heart.

If you’d to skip the wait and watch the video straight, you can catch Kenneth’s latest sharing on Nation Transformation here




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