May 26

WYODC WEEKLY #55: Quad-Style Networking


Hi ,

Zach here…

I bet you heard this saying “No man is an island”?

The meaning of this saying is that no one can survive on their own. 

To some degree, everyone relies on others for professional success and personal life.  

This has been proven by many successful individuals who created strong networks over time through which they achieved success in business and life.

And one of them is none other than our Kenneth Yu!

With his diversified networks…

  • Lee Kum Kee, #1 oyster sauce brand in the world, approached Kenneth to help them expand their business in South Africa because he married an African and he has a unique set of skill sets he can bring to the table – Digital Marketing, Corporate Consulting and Business Development. 
  • Then we have Agora’s Board of Directors approaching Kenneth as they want to expand in Asia. 
  • Kenneth also has board seats in various companies and a wide range of opportunities today.

At this point, you may have questions like… 

How do I network? Who should I network with?… and perhaps… How can I be a successful networker like Kenneth?

So, let’s dive into this week’s WYODC where we will discuss networking strategy.

When it comes to networking strategy, Rajesh Setty spoke about the greatest superpower is to give MEANINGFUL GIFTS at scale at a very LOW incremental cost to you.

To elaborate, your meaningful gift should ideally be abundant for you to scale. 

This ability allows for the building of a reservoir in return and will make sure the other person feels special throughout their relationship with you.

But because our time and energy are FINITE…

There’s no way we’ll be able to network with everyone and give gifts to anyone.

So strategically…

You give gifts to a strategic inner circle of people comprised of two categories:

#1 Hubs are people that have a huge network. So you’re essentially connecting to a network of networks. For example, you join an elite business club.

#2 People who are outside of your industry and who are respectful. They will appreciate your gifts more than the people in your own industry. 

Now that you know the strategy and who to connect with, let’s move on to the type of gifts.

There are four forms of gifts:

#1 Doors

You open doors for a person to your network, opportunities, ideas, etc. 

Doors are unique possibilities which you can contribute to the person based on your own unique experience or expertise. 

For example, you’re a copywriter and your client needs help with a specific subject – Traffic/Affiliates and you make the necessary connection for your client because you know someone relevant in your network.

#2 Surfboards

This gift is basically for people outside your industry. 

Surfboards are best given to your Weak-Tie relationships because they will appreciate your experience a lot more. 

For example,  If a yoga teacher doesn’t know how to market their products or services, you can assist them as a marketer by providing them actionable tips or high-level strategy on what they should do to grow their business. 

#3 Torch lights

People come to you for advice and clarity.

You play the role of a coach or a consultant.

When your friends or anyone in your network needs help, you can become the person they can go to.

This could be business or personal life advice.

#4 Blankets

The blanket symbolizes the warmth of hospitality and sometimes it’s just a willingness to host.

For example, when David Deutsch and his wife were in Malaysia, Kenneth hosted them with a meal, a KLCC trip, and a ride to the airport. And because of this gift of hospitality, they are close friends till today.

Blankets can also mean going the extra mile for a person to help him or her.

For example, helping a mentor out when they have difficulty with something. E.g. Technology.

Here’s something for you to ponder upon… 

Which are the gifts you can give when networking?

To sum up, it’s all about making meaningful connections and building relationships for both your professional life as well as personal one – because if done right, it’ll be a win-win for all!

I’d like to end with this quote by Tim Sanders…

“Your network is your net worth.”

To Your Networking Success,



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