June 28

WYODC WEEKLY #60: Master Implementor Marc!


Hi , 

Zach here… 

Today, let’s hear from a successful coach who has applied Holy Grail principles — to scale his business income.

He’s none other than Marc Teo, a full-time coach and Founder of Master Implementers.

I had the pleasure of getting him to share his journey in WYODC.

And here it goes…

Before knowing Kenneth and the Holy Grail program, Marc used to think his knowledge of copywriting and marketing was decent. 

After all, he has been learning and implementing in this space for about 1 ½ years. 

And what’s great, he achieved some decent results like…

… being a marketer for a company that made seven figures. 

… on track to help another company to grow.

But Marc felt his copywriting could be a lot better.

When Marc discovered Kenneth through Melvin Soh and Andrew Tan, he couldn’t help but be blown away…

Because Kenneth taught marketing and psychology in a very direct and zero-fluff way… 

More importantly, Kenneth taught Marc how to position himself so differently from his industry companions that it’s almost like bringing a bazooka to a knife fight. 

Kenneth’s brain is like no other. 

With his in-depth knowledge of marketing and psychology, he provides fresh dew of insights into this space.

Marc joined Kenneth’s 5 days program and took down so many insights. 

After 2 months in the program…

BOOM!! Marc made 300% ROI on what he invested initially – and the best part is he would have gladly paid more to learn from Kenneth!

If you have listened to Kenneth before, you know he doesn’t only share about copywriting…

… but also mental models… mindsets… creative thinking… strategy… business… psychology, etc. 

And that’s the biggest takeaway that Marc got out of learning from Kenneth. 

Because if you truly want to dominate your industry, one has to be sufficiently well-read to not be confined to the boundaries of marketing.

Marc also loves the fact that Kenneth is very open in sharing and doesn’t hold anything back.

With that said, Marc has advice for you…

If you’re keen to stand out as the master of the craft in this crowded marketplace… charge higher… and increase your income (especially in this economic uncertainty), I highly recommend Kenneth.

Now, Marc is a buddy of mine and I’m really happy to see him grow the Master Implementer program bigger and bigger every year.

If you aspire to be like Marc where you create your irresistible offer and impact millions of lives… then learning Copywriting and Marketing will put you far ahead of any competition you face.

The good news is Kenneth is reopening his Holy Grail Program. 

If you’re already part of El Dorado, wait for an email from him. It’s going to be first HGC Reunion of 2022. 🙂

And if you’re interested in El Dorado, and our brand new mastermind tier known as Empire — where I reveal my 2 biz models that has made me and my clients millions, just reply to this email and I’ll furnish you with the special Google Doc. 




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